You don’t know what I am capable of
An exhibit organized on January 25th 2019 at the Museo MIIT
“Leonardo For Ever” Contemporary genius between reality and the abstract Solo exhibit of Personale di Santina Portelli “Art as the light of existence“
Why is there a solo exhibit of Santina Portelli to close this exhibit de-dicated to the genius of Leonardo Da Vinci? The answer lies in the profound and symbolic vision of the message of love, peace and beauty which is always manifested in the work of a great artist of emotion such as Santina Portelli. Light assumes a redemptive value in her paintings, impalpable and spiritual, a metaphor of a hopeful and faithful exsistence. The shades calibrated with refined poetry and lightness tell us about the essence of a both sensitive pictorial soul and a strong one at the same time, determined to represent the world and life itself through a profound and interior vision.
By Ramonda Marina
You don’t know what I am capable of
You don’t know what I am capable of
You don’t know what I am CAPABLE of
of carrying you in my arms, of holding your hand until the last day,
of drinking all your tears, of laughing about this, of surprising you with made up stories,
you don’t know what I am capable of
defending you form those violent, ignorant eyes, from those hands that hurt you,
saying what I think and risking my life, being alone in front of that cannon,
going down into the river, rescuing you once more from the brink
and leaving you with a peaceful gaze on the shore,
you don’t know what I am capable of
giving you all the oxygen I have, saving you from the cold with caresses,
Reminding you for hours what a beautiful person you are when you are surroun-ded by shit,
You don’t know what I am capable of
you still don’t know me although my heart beats to the rhythm of yours,
no, you don’t know what I am capable of, no
you think that kindness hides weakness,
a smile “not being there”
turning the head “going elsewhere”,
no, you don’t know what I am capable of
I am gathering my strengths
the kindness is scraping the bottom of my love towards life,
the smile is her caress, it wipes off that mud that surrounds you
and I turn my head to change perspective
I try to take you away towards different horizons
no, you don’t know what I am capable of
I am here and screaming it to the world
you turn around and say
Let’s go!